He says taxes and cuts in services are better than borrowing money to balance the budget.
From New York Daily News:
ALBANY - Gov. Paterson said Thursday that more taxes are on the way. Paterson, during a pair of early-morning radio interviews, said tax hikes and other revenue increases would account for as much as 13% of the state's plan to deal with a $9.2 billion budget deficit but he stressed that it was a better solution than simply borrowing money to close the gap.
"Taxes are regrettable, certainly we don't want to increase them at this particular time, but a combination of a few taxes and some rather severe cuts to services is I think the best solution," Paterson said on Albany's WGY radio.
» Read the full story: Gov. Paterson warns of tax hikes, possible return of clothing sales tax, to close budget gap [New York Daily News]
» Paterson: We’ll get at least 10% from taxes [Capitol Confidential]
» Expanded clothing sales tax among taxes, fees state lawmakers are considering to balance the budget [The Associated Press]
» Listen to the whole radio interview [WGY]