He first pegs the bill at $10 million, then scales it back to half a million.
New York — Carl Paladino, a Buffalo-area multimillionaire developer who lost the state Republicans' endorsement for governor to Rick Lazio Wednesday, now says he'll use his own money to force a primary.
Paladino first pledged to spend $10 million of his own money to collect enough petition signatures to force a Sept. 14 primary. He later estimated it would cost a more modest $500,000.
Wednesday, Paladino said one of his Republican opponents would clean up Albany with "a whisk broom. The other, maybe a mop. Me? I'll clean up Albany with a baseball bat," the Associated Press reported.
» Paladino to petition way onto governor's ballot [New York Post]
» Paladino moves forward with candidacy [The New York Times]
» Paladino: I’m petitioning and don’t ask me about my shoes [Capitol Confidential/Albany Times-Union]
In other GOP convention news:
Chautauqua County Executive Greg Edwards has been chosen to run as lieutenant governor
» Edwards is NY GOP choice for Lazio running mate [The Associated Press]
What of state GOP Chairman Ed Cox, who stuck his neck out to back Democrat Steve Levy?
» Cox: 'I am not going to resign' [New York Daily News]
» Lazio wins, Cox loses [LongIslandPress.com]