"Dairyville 2020," by artist Jim Victor, shows the future of dairy farming.
Geddes, NY -- The annual butter sculpture at the New York State Fair leaps into the future of farming.
The sculpture, named "Dairyville 2020," shows how technology on the dairy farm helps provide for a greener community.
On one side is a dairy farm with 14 cows, a barn and an anarerobic digester. On the other side of the sculpture is Dairyville, which is powered by electrical lines carrying power made from the cow manure.The exhibit shows how the manure from these cows can be used to generate electricity using the digester, how composted manure can be used as natural fertilizer and, of course, how these cows produce nearly 50 gallons of milk a day.
The sculpture was done again this year by artist Jim Victor, with help from his wife Marie Pelton. It is made of 800 pounds of unsalted butter donated by Wegmans Food Markets.
Be sure to come out to the Dairy Products Building to check out the butter sculpture during the fair.
» Photo gallery: The last 20 years of New York State Fair butter sculptures