BP Chairman Svanberg announced CEO Tony Hayward will no longer manage clean up operations.
BP Chairman Car-Henric Svanberg announced that CEO Tony Hayward will no longer be managing the day-to-day operations of the Gulf cleanup.
Svanberg told Britain’s Sky News that the responsibility will now go to Bob Dudley, managing director of the company. This comes as a huge change for BP, as Hayward had been the company’s face in interviews, apology ads and press conferences.
The move comes after public congressional hearings on Thursday. Representatives accused Hayward of obstruction and incompetence.
What's being said about Hayward:
»Huffington Post: Tony Hayward REMOVED From Gulf Spill Operations, Carl-Henric Svanberg Says
»Time: Is Hayward off oil spill duty?
»NY Times: Hayward Moved Aside as BP Reports Gains in Gulf
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