Do you support oil drilling on or off-coast after this disaster?
Former Gov. Sarah Palin's tweets supporting oil drilling over the past week have many users outraged. Some question why Palin would even think to post these comments on Twitter during one of the worst oil spills in the history of the US, while others wonder if Palin is just doing what she needs to in order to stay in the media spotlight. Here's what user carpediem302 had to say:
"Palin knows what her advisers tell her. Unfortunately Americans act before we know what we actually are getting into. The oil spill is THE WORST man made disaster in history. Its our arrogance and our thinking that this will never happen that got us into producing sub-standard rigs with not nearly enough redundant backup systems in place to prevent something like this. Talking about drilling for more oil at this point in time is not really the subject we should be talking about. BP's solution to fix their problem is to drill more holes. And, for the record I am a republican and I think Palin and those like minded like her are idiots."
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