» Greek officials say a horde of frogs has forced the closure of a key northern highway for two hours. [AP] » Dominican man flees hospital because doctors wanted to amputate his penis. [Guanabee] » James Carville told President Obama: "This president needs to tell BP 'I'm your daddy, I'm in charge, you're going to do what we say."...
» Greek officials say a horde of frogs has forced the closure of a key northern highway for two hours. [AP]
» Dominican man flees hospital because doctors wanted to amputate his penis. [Guanabee]
» James Carville told President Obama: "This president needs to tell BP 'I'm your daddy, I'm in charge, you're going to do what we say." [Huffington Post]
» A Georgia woman ordered to write "I will not dishonor myself by passing a school bus," 2,500 times has asked for a jury trial rather than accept the sentence. [UPI]