'The race for governor descended into a filthy barnyard brawl.'
From New York Post:
ALBANY -- The race for governor descended into a filthy barnyard brawl yesterday as Democrats depicted Carl Paladino as a man-pig feeding at the trough and the Republican roustabout questioned Andrew Cuomo's manhood.
The tit-for-tat taunts opened the first full week of campaigning since Paladino's stunning upset in the Republican primary made him the party's standard-bearer in the race against the popular attorney general.
Democrats waded into the muck in response to a series of political provocations from Paladino, which observers said appeared designed to rile up Cuomo and upset his careful campaign.
» Read the full story: Paladino & Cuomo wallow in smears [New York Post]
» Carl Paladino calls on Andrew Cuomo to come 'debate like a man' [Rochester Democrat & Chronicle]
» Can I 'call him an a--hole?' Andrew Cuomo in tizzy after GOP foe Carl Paladino questions his manhood [New York Daily News]
» I’ll see your shower photo, and raise you a pig [Capitol Confidential]
» Previously: Paladino campaign gets creative with Photoshop [syracuse.com]
» Poll: Cuomo leads Paladino among likely voters, 54% to 38% [Rasmussen Reports]
» The Democrats have set up a website to challenge Paladino's claims; it looks a bit like his official site