List includes forcing "legislation...that may well destroy finest health care system in history."
Republican congressional candidate Ben Quayle said he believes Barack Obama is the worst president in history.
After stating his disdain for the president in his latest television advertisement which aired last Wednesday along with saying "somebody has to go to Washington, and knock the hell out of that place," Quayle, from Arizona, also took to his website and listed nine reasons why he believes Obama is the worst.
The list includes “loading up every child in this nation with more debt than any President in history” and forcing “through legislation without a single Republican vote that may well destroy the finest health care system in history.”
Quayle does not provide evidential backups to the points on his list.
Quayle is the son of former Vice President Dan Quayle. He is seeking the GOP nomination for the third House district.
"Reasons why President Obama is the Worst President in History
1. He has loaded up every child in this nation with more debt than any President in history.
2. With his policies and the threat of more such policy, he has destroyed more wealth than any human being in history, which is always what happens when you set out to redistribute wealth: you end up destroying it.
3. He has brought us to the brink of the most massive tax increases in history and if we don’t elect enough Republicans in November to stop him that is exactly what we will get.
4. He has forced through legislation without a single republican vote that may well destroy the finest health care system in history when all we needed were some measures to control costs.
5. He has divided America along racial lines in destructive ways and he is doing so again by suing Arizona over its attempt to control the drug trade and human smuggling trade threatening its security.
6. He has failed to form a policy to adequately deal with the vicious Mexican drug cartels that are essentially running parts of that nation and becoming an increasing threat to ours.
7. He has traveled the world making apologies for America instead of defending its timeless and treasured ideals of freedom and peace for all nations of good will.
8. He has said there is nothing exceptional about America, something no other president has ever said and something which alone suggests he is a historically poor president.
9. He has hired people of strange and radical views to hold important federal posts in which they pursue more bad policy that no administration in history has ever pursued.”
News on Ben Quayle:
»Huffington Post: Even in Politics, Kids Do Say the Darnedest Things
»Chicago Sun-Times: Like father, like son? Quayle follows dad
»The Hill: Quayle aligns with Republican mainstream on privatizing Social Security