Also, Rome bank robbery suspects linked to May robbery in Utica, and Syracuse peace groups borrow Binghamton's Cost of War sign.
From The New York Times:
Democrats may be holding their breath today when the House votes on a sweeping offshore drilling reform package.As they rush to pass the legislation before leaving for a monthlong recess, Democrats may not have enough support if oil-state and Blue Dog Democrats opposed to certain measures -- like controversial language that would eliminate the $75 million liability cap for companies involved in a spill -- align with Republicans, who are generally opposed to the bill.
Still, Natural Resources Chairman Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) thinks there are plenty of backers for his measure, H.R. 3534 (pdf). "I feel we do, yes," Rahall said yesterday when asked if Democrats had enough supporters to pass it.
» Read the story: House to Vote Today on Offshore Drilling Package, but Passage Uncertain
» As the oil spill cleanup slows, worries grow along the coast [Dallas Morning News]
» New BP Boss: Time to Scale Back Part of Oil Cleanup [AOL News]
» BP To Slim Down, Refocus In Wake Of Gulf Oil Spill [The Wall Street Journal]
In other news:
» Rome bank suspects linked to May robbery in Utica ; manhunt continues across region [Utica Observer-Dispatch]
» One suspect arraigned; one still at large in Rome bank robbery [WSYR-TV Channel 9]
» Cost of War sign removed from Binghamton city hall, lent to Syracuse peace groups []
» Eric Mower lays off seven in Syracuse [Central New York Business Journal]
» Judge upholds ban on mailing of cigarettes but rejects tax collection [The Buffalo News]
» Cortland restaurant turns into destination for Jets fans []