Townsend Tower and Harrison House currently owned by state. More details expected today.
Syracuse, N.Y. -- Upstate Medical University has purchased two vacant apartment buildings in downtown Syracuse as part of a plan to create housing for students and medical residents.
The academic medical center plans to announce details of the acquisition of Townsend Tower and Harrison House this morning.
Upstate has been negotiating for two years to take over the two former low-income housing complexes near Townsend and Harrison streets.
New York state took over the buildings last year. The complexes, which each have 200 units, struggled for years with high vacancies, debt and poor maintenance. They were built in 1973 with financial help from the state to provide affordable housing for low- and moderate-income people. Empire State Development Corp., a state agency, held the mortgage on the properties.
Upstate wants to increase its enrollment, but has no room to expand on its nearby campus.