Readers compare new colors to mustard, vomit.
Everybody's got an opinion about the new state license plate design ... and most of them are negative. Columnist Sean Kirst asked for your thoughts and got an earful. Here's what Cindy_Colella Emin_146 had to say:
"I'm certainly old enough to remember the original license plates, and had no opinion either way about the idea to bring the design back, until I visited family in Ohio. My sister lives in Bainbridge, OH, and upon a recent visit to her home, was met with looks of concern from both my sister and my niece. Puzzled by the looks on their faces, I asked them what was wrong! As it turns out, drivers with DUIs in Ohio must display an orange license plate on their cars; great for the state of Ohio, not so great for visiting New Yorkers!! I became very self-conscious of this license plate while I drove back to New York, and breathed a sigh of relief when I crossed the PA state line!"
» See what else Cindy_Colella Emin_146 has to say on
» Read other opinions: Your choice: The new plates, or the old?
» Classic car owners cringe at our new throwback plates
» Doing time on the license-plate line
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