Also, Hamptons woman wages war against luxury homes.
From the Albany Times-Union:
New York's thermometers aren't the only things creeping above 100 this week. Today marks a dubious milestone that we began approaching back when there was still some snow on the ground: The state budget is 100 days late.
This isn't the first time the process has lasted this long. Going back to 1975, there are five other years in which the state's fiscal plan went 100 days past the April 1 deadline -- and we still have more than a month to go before besting (worsting?) the modern record of 133 days late set in 2004.
» Read the full story: It's official: Budget 100 days late
More on the New York state budget
» David Paterson vetoes his way to tabloid glory [The Village Voice]
» Veto puts big hole in school budget [The Buffalo News]
» NYC charter schools are big winners in veto by Gov. Paterson [N.Y. Daily News]
In other state news
» "Ruckus" at several city-owned pools leads to shutdown [The Buffalo News]
» A proud Hamptons nag wages war against "McMansions" [The New York Times]
» Judge nixes suit from Eliot Spitzer's former top aide Darren Dopp [N.Y. Daily News]
» Video: Spoof on Rick Lazio's weekly video strategy session