Also: Shoddy work on oil spill cleanup; not enough evidence for sex abuse allegations against Al Gore.
From The Associated Press:
America's Afghan and international allies embraced the choice of Gen. David Petraeus to run the war in Afghanistan, hoping the architect of the Iraq surge will seamlessly pursue the strategy laid down by his predecessor and smooth over divisions that led to his dismissal.
By naming Petraeus, President Barack Obama managed to replace Gen. Stanley McChrystal without derailing the mission at a critical juncture in the war, when casualties are rising and public support in the West is waning.
» Read the full story: Relief greets Obama pick for new war commander [The Associated Press]
» Short, tense deliberation, then a general is gone [The New York Times]
» Gen. David Petraeus' 3 keys to victory: How to win in Afghanistan after Gen. Stanley McChrystal [New York Daily News]
In other news:
» AP check: Shoddy disposal work mars oil cleanup [The Associated Press]
» Oil spill cap replaced [UPI]
» Sex abuse allegations against Al Gore lack sufficient evidence, say Portland police [ABC News]
» 'Prince of Darkness' plotted with Blagojevich to sell Obama Senate seat [Chicago Tribune]