'I thought that the locket would be a great present so I picked one. I didn't known that they cost anything so I put it in my pocket.'
View full sizeNew York — His heart was in the right place, but his method was misplaced. A 7-year-old New York City boy has written an apology and returned the $15 pendant he stole to give his mom on Mother’s Day.
The boy took the necklace from the Catbird boutique in Brooklyn. He returned with his father two weeks ago to apologize.
His letter said he “thought the locket would be a great present.”
The curly haired boy said he thought it was free. Owner Rony Vardi said he could see why he would think that. The necklace was in a candy dish.
Store clerk Claire Barrett said she told the boy: “Thank you for doing the right thing.”
The store posted the letter on Catbird’s blog.
» Young thief writes a heartfelt apology after returning locket stolen for mother [New York Daily News]