"I'm tired of dodging bullets," said one resident.
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Syracuse, NY -- Nearly two dozen neighbors concerned about violence in their South Side neighborhood met with the city’s police chief and three common councilors on Monday to ask for help.
Residents gathered in Cherylene “Twiggy” Billue’s backyard on Rockland Avenue to air their fears, offer some suggestions and ask for possible solutions to gunshots and other violent incidents in the Rockland/Glahn Avenue area.
The meeting followed a memorial vigil Sunday afternoon for Morgan McMahon at West Colvin Street and Glahn Avenue, just blocks from where McMahon was shot May 23.
“The violence is just too much,” said Demetra Gammage, who’s lived on Rockland about 11 years. “I’ve had to change my living room around because I don’t want to sit in front of the window. After the shooting, we saw some police presence, but then it ends.”
Residents have been upset for some time, but McMahon’s death made the violence all too real. McMahon, 25, was fatally shot in the head while riding in a minivan Syracuse police say had been used in a drive-by shooting minutes earlier. Police say the minivan hit a bump and a gun being held by another passenger went off accidentally.
Neighbors say the violence continues to escalate, and they feel trapped, frustrated and helpless. They want to focus on prevention. “It’s just getting worse and worse,” said Billue. “We feel like we are under siege. We can’t sit out on our porches anymore.”
“I’m tired of dodging bullets,” said Essie Walton. “And I’m tired of running. I’m tired of seeing people walking down the street who look normal and then all of a sudden you hear gunshots.”
Several young people also said they’re afraid to walk down the street.
Residents say they need more streetlights and are encouraging all residents to turn on their porch lights. Common Council President Van Robinson and Syracuse Police Chief Frank Fowler said the area is among the city’s darkest.
Neighbors would like to see increased police presence, possible video surveillance of the area, more foot patrols, more neighborhood events to build relationships and more enforcement of regulations regarding nuisance properties.
Fowler listened to their concerns, but said he wouldn’t comment publicly in the presence of a newspaper reporter. He spoke with residents later.
Billue said after the session that Fowler said he would work with residents and continue meeting with them to help solve the problem. He also assured them there would be more lighting on the street and increased police presence.
Robinson and councilors Bill Ryan and Nader Maroun said they would help respond to residents’ concerns in any way they can.
Residents say the area most affected runs from Kirk Avenue down Midland Avenue and up Colvin Street to South Avenue.
Elizabeth Doran can be reached at edoran@syracuse.com or 470-3012.