Also: Afghanistan visit for two politicians put off because they're too fat for body armor.
PITTSFIELD, Mass. (AP) -- Voters in a western Massachusetts city have decided not to lose their shirts over at least one ballot question. Pittsfield voters soundly rejected on Tuesday a measure pushing for women to be allowed to walk around town topless.
The nonbinding question, which was only on the ballot in Pittsfield's 3rd Berkshire District, urged that district's state representative to introduce legislation amending the state's nudity definition.
Under the proposal, females of any age would be allowed be unclothed from the waist up in public anywhere males are allowed to be similarly undressed.
Denise Yon told The Berkshire Eagle she voted no because of her 12-year-old daughter. Around 70 percent also voted against the measure.
Katherine Gundelfinger, who spearheaded the signatures for the question, declined to comment.
» The Berkshire Eagle blows the lid off this story: Pittsfield votes no on nudity
» While we're on the topic of elections, Bristol Palin forgot to turn in her absentee ballot [Access Atlanta]
» Man who dresses like Jesus kicked out of church -- again. [Fox 2]
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» Dare you not to laugh ...