Think New York politics is crazy? Robert N. Wells, professor of government emeritus at St. Lawrence University in Canton, has written the book on it: “New York State Government and Politics in a Nutshell: A Citizen’s Primer,” recently published by Rosedog Books. He spoke with staff writer Hart Seely. Is New York as screwed-up as it seems, or were...
Think New York politics is crazy? Robert N. Wells, professor of government emeritus at St. Lawrence University in Canton, has written the book on it: “New York State Government and Politics in a Nutshell: A Citizen’s Primer,” recently published by Rosedog Books. He spoke with staff writer Hart Seely.
Is New York as screwed-up as it seems, or were we always this way?
We’ve been here quite a while: Twenty years without the budget approved on time, spending more than we have coming in. It’s an oligarchy down there, particularly in the Legislature. It’s the old “Three Men in a Room:” the governor, the Senate majority leader and the speaker of the Assembly. They have the power. If you recall, one of your distinguished legislators from the Syracuse area tried to change it — and he was bounced out. Michael Bragman. (In 2000, Bragman, of Cicero, then the majority leader of the Assembly, failed in an attempt to unseat Speaker Sheldon Silver.)
Yes, and we all thought at the time, “Well gee, maybe this will open things up!” ... But it remains a political oligarchy: A very few people determine public policy, spending — the priorities of New York state.
Any signs that we’re approaching critical mass for change?
There are some. There was stirring in the Legislature this year. There was an attempt by some members of the Senate to expand the rules, so the minority has some rule. They’re talking about changes in the way the Legislature works, particularly in redistricting.
The two big issues are money in elections and grandiose gerrymandering. The majority party determines what the future districts will be.
Will the Democrats draw the districts so they’ll never lose?
Well, already they’re ahead 2-to-1 in enrollment. If I were in the Republican Party, it would be difficult for me to believe when — if ever — we would have a majority in the Assembly. ... In the Senate, it’s 32 to 30, and the only reason the Republicans have that is because they determined what the districts are, and added two Senators to cushion it for them.
Can you put the Tea Party movement into historical context?
Well, way back in the 19th Century, there was the No-Nothing Party. It was opposed to everything, and it made a big impact. Today, everybody makes fun of the No-Nothing Party, but I’ll tell you, it scared the regular parties.
And later came the parties that actually tried to change government. First, the Populists and then the Progressives. ... The Tea Party is kind of a revolutionary party — not to overthrow the government, but to change the rules of the game. It’s formed out of frustration and, obviously, the recession had a big part. In New York state, a lot of people are just closed out.
Did the No-Nothing Party succeed?
They scared people. There were the big issues about silver and gold, the elections, the railroads — the political and economic oligarchs of the time. The No-Nothing Party was principally rural and it preceded the Populists. It’s important enough to be brought up in every history book.
Could the Tea Party have that kind of impact?
I don’t think it’s going to go away. It depends on how they do this time.
How about New York?
I think they could have had some impact, but (Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl) Paladino essentially shot himself in the foot. Their impact would have been greater if they did not have somebody who — well — the Republicans have got to be jumping out of the window. .
If you could change New York politics in one bold stroke, what would it be?
A unicameral house.
A what?
One house. Like Nebraska.
Crash the two legislatures into one?
Yes, just one. To a certain extent, the bicameral Legislature fights against each another. If we had a Constitutional Convention, I would push for a unicameral legislature. I think the differences would be much less.
Is there any such movement?
Some people have talked about it. They talk about campaign financing. ... non-partisan redistricting, which will make it possible for both the Democrats and Republicans to get their fair share of the vote.
... I think there should be another Constitutional Convention. I think one’s coming in 2017, but that’s too far away. A Constitutional Convention could change so many things. There’s so much power in Albany. I would try to distribute it throughout New York state. You can do that by returning power to individuals in the Legislature and doing away with the oligarchal nature.
Is it hopeless?
That depends. You know, your man in Syracuse tried, and the Speaker just threw him out. I guess it depends on what happens in the election.... I dearly love New York politics. It’s unique — nothing like it in the country. It’s real politics.