Bob Woodward said an Obama-Clinton ticket in 2012 is 'on the table.' White House disagrees.
The White House has emphatically denied any notion that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will replace Joe Biden as President Obama's running mate in 2012.
The latest wave of Hillary buzz was amplified Tuesday night when Bob Woodward, author of the new book "Obama's Wars," told CNN's John King that a possible Obama-Clinton ticket is "on the table." The idea is that Clinton would energize a 2012 campaign — particularly among women. In some scenarios, Biden, former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, would take over as secretary of state.
But there's a big problem with all of this juicy speculation. The White House has consistently denied any such deal is in the works. "There's absolutely nothing to it," senior aide David Axelrod told the Washington Post late Tuesday.
» Hillary-Biden swap talk is nothing new. Is it 'nuts'? [MSNBC]
» Obama-Clinton ticket 'on the table,' Woodward says [CNN]
» Clinton Says She Has `No Interest' in Being Obama's Running Mate in 2012 [Bloomberg]