Tax agreement voted down by school board would have brought the district more money.
Oswego, NY -- The Oswego school district will send out tax bills totaling $5,958,400 to Constellation Energy Nuclear Group for taxes to be paid on the Nine Mile Point I nuclear plant.
The school board set the tax rate for the 2010-11 school year at $21.28 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. The nuclear plant’s assessment set by the town of Scriba is $280 million.
Constellation did not grieve the $280 million assessment, said Jill Lyon, speaking for the company.
Peter Colucci, Oswego’s assistant superintendent for business, said the district usually sends out two bills to larger taxpayers. This means Constellation would get a bill for $2,979,200 in November and another for the same amount in February.
This amount is $399,600 less than the district would have received had the school board approved the tax agreement between Constellation and the three local taxing entities — the district, town of Scriba and Oswego County.
The tax agreement, negotiated with the company by officials of all three bodies, was voted down by the school board. Scriba town board and the Oswego County legislature approved it.
The town and county decided to honor the agreement with Constellation. Scriba set the assessment on the plant at $280 million, so the amount of taxes the school district will receive this year is that amount times the tax rate of $21.28 per $1,000.
Colucci said the money will be put in the district’s reserve fund. Some money from this fund was used this past spring to balance the 2010-11 school budget.