Mark Zuckerberg writes letter to prominent tech blogger, publishes op-ed in Washington Post.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is speaking out about the recent privacy controversies. He admits to making some mistakes and promises to fix them.
According to CNN, Zuckerberg wrote a letter Sunday to tech blogger Robert Scoble saying that, “I know we’ve made a buck of mistakes, but my hope at the end of this is that the service ends up in a better place and that people understand that our intentions are in the right place and we respond to the feedback from the people we serve.”
Zuckerberg also addressed Facebook’s complicated privacy control concerns in an op-ed piece in the Washington Post today.
The letter and op-ed pieces were the CEO’s first public response over Facebook’s recent privacy moves that left the site defending its reputation to its nearly 500 million users.Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivers a keynote address at a conference in San Francisco, Wednesday, April 21, 2010.
In early May, technical glitches allowed some users to view friends’ private chats. This happened less than three months after other Facebook users received private messages not intended for them, which was the result of another glitch.
This, on top of Facebook announcing that certain information of users will be made available to the public, left many users concerned. So concerned, that thousands plan to leave the social network by the end of the month.
Facebook’s recent move shadowed an even larger discussion of privacy on the Web.
Zuckerberg’s response to the consumer backlash will be to address the privacy concern this week.
Zuckerberg has stated in the past during an interview with Mike Arrington that if he were to do Facebook again, he would never have allowed privacy settings since privacy is no longer the "social norm."
Here's what's being said about Facebook and privacy on the Web:
»PC World: Goodbye to Prvacy?
»Washington Post: Internet privacy comes to head; Facebook to change tools, Google acused of wiretapping
»NPR: Analyst: Facebook is not the enemy
Do you think there is such thing as privacy on the Web? Leave your comments below.