Syracuse, NY - Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins may be on the ballot again. Hawkins, a Syracuse resident campaigning for governor, filed petitions today with 27,500 signatures to secure a spot on the ballot for the Nov. 2 election. Only 15,000 signatures were required. Hawkins, 57, of 303 Warner Ave., is a perennial candidate for the Green Party. He...
Syracuse, NY - Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins may be on the ballot again.Hawkins, a Syracuse resident campaigning for governor, filed petitions today with 27,500 signatures to secure a spot on the ballot for the Nov. 2 election. Only 15,000 signatures were required.
Hawkins, 57, of 303 Warner Ave., is a perennial candidate for the Green Party. He has previously run 17 times for federal, state and local offices, most recently for a Syracuse Common Council seat. He has never won.
He was one of four Green Party candidates to file petitions for statewide races today, the deadline for candidates who are running on unofficial party lines.
Also trying to secure ballot spots are Gloria Mattera for lieutenant governor, Julia Willebrand for state comptroller, Colia Clark for U.S. Senate, and Cecile Lawrence for U.S. Senate.
Key issues for the Greens this fall include support for a state and national New Green Deal to provide for living wage jobs for all New Yorkers, starting with massive investments in renewable energy.
The candidates are also calling for American troops to be brought home from Afghanistan and Iraq and slashing the military budget.
The Green Party candidates want a single payer Medicare system for universal health programs at the state and national level and a ban on high-volume hydrofracking for natural gas in New York.
Contact Mike McAndrew at or 470-3016.