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When news broke that a Lysander man was airlifted to Upstate University Hospital after the man responsible for crashing into the Pier 57 Restaurant on Wednesday collided with his car on Thursday, syracuse.com users were outraged. Many wondered how the driver could be on the road driving at high speeds 36 hours after crashing into the restaurant while driving intoxicated. Others questioned their own safety on the roads if the driver was allowed to drive again. Here’s what syracuse.com user LMK had to say:
“Two times in two consecutive days - this man should be locked up. Telling him he can't drive, especially since he does not have a valid license, just doesn't seem to sink in to him. The first incidence was a blessing where no one in the other vehicle or in the restaurant was injured. Hopefully Mr. Zimmerman, the young man injured in the second accident, will recover fully - my prayers are with him. To the law enforcement agencies involved - GET THIS MAN OFF THE ROAD - We do not need to read about him in the papers a third time - we do not want to hear that this person was responsible for the serious injury or even death of another innocent party by his actions. A car is no less a weapon when used recklessly by a selfish, unstable person as is Mr. Reynolds. If it was a gun - he would be off the streets.”
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