Credit could expire at the end of the year unless Congress votes to extend it.
According to CNN, if the Making Work Pay tax credit is not extended soon, you may be noticing a smaller paycheck.
The tax credit was part of President Obama’s stimulus package last year, and boosted paychecks up to $400 for single filers and $800 for joint filers in a year by reducing the amount of taxes taken out of each paycheck.
The extra $15 you’re used to getting every two weeks could expire at the end of the year unless Congress votes to extend the credit.
Unlike the Bush tax cuts, the Making Work Pay credit largely helped out those in the middle-class, affecting many more.
"You hear a lot about the Bush tax cuts, but surprisingly, the Making Work Pay credit isn't getting as much attention as you would think," Chuck Marr, director of federal tax policy at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, told CNN.
The Making Work Pay credit is available to those who make $75,000 or less. Higher-earners can receive partial credit, CNN reported.
The Making Work Pay credit helps out over 75 percent of American households.
Read the full CNN story here: The tax hike nobody's talking about
»NPR: Are Today's Tax Cuts Tomorrow's Tax Increases?
»Huffington Post: You Make the Call: Who Is Correct In the Democratic Civil War Over Taxes and Spending?