Garage sale stretches 50 miles, from Montezuma to Homer.
AUBURN -- Garage-sale junkies had a chance today -- and still have a chance from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday -- to paw through mounds of potential deals along state Route 90 from Montezuma in Cayuga County, south to Homer in Cortland County.
This weekend marks the 24th year of the loosely organized but usually well-attended yard sale that spans communities along the roughly 50-mile stretch.
Saturday was no exception, as scores of bargain hunters stormed such communities as Cayuga, Union Springs and Aurora — where sales were clustered — and points in between.
Connie Reilley, one of the originators of the sale, said some people even plan their vacations around the event, with folks coming from as far away as Canada, New England, Ohio and Pennsylvania.