Also: Hezbollah cleric dies; more about Asian carp.
From The Associated Press:
KABUL, Afghanistan — Gen. David Petraeus formally assumed command of the 130,000-strong international force in Afghanistan on Sunday, declaring "we are in this to win" despite rising casualties and growing skepticism about the nearly 9-year-old war.
During a ceremony at NATO headquarters, Petraeus received two flags — one for the U.S. and the other for NATO — marking his formal assumption of command.
» Read the full story: Petraeus assumes command of U.S., NATO forces in Afghanistan [The Associated Press]
» T minus two years: Believe the president on Afghanistan withdrawal [Newsweek]
» Spirit intact, a soldier regains his life after losing arms and legs in blast [The New York Times]
In other news:
» Cleric, considered Hezbollah's first spiritual leader, dies [CNN]
» In Congo, burn survivors recover from tanker blast [The Associated Press]
» Asian carp: The fish that could eat Lake Erie [The Buffalo News]